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Ayurvedic Tips for Healthier Joints with Murivenna Oil

Ayurvedic Tips for Healthier Joints Using Murivenna Oil

When you are a seasoned athlete or simply love to blow off some steam on the field after work, occasional muscle pain and sprains become a part of your life.

Suppose you are playing football; the clock is ticking against you, and when you score that winning goal, an opponent tries to tackle you. The next thing you know, you are lying on the ground with a sprained ankle. Your team needs you, but you are in pain. You walk over to the dugout, sit there, and watch your team lose.

Well, that was overdramatic, but you get the idea - injuries can happen anywhere, anytime. That is why you should always be prepared - on and off the field.

When a twisted ankle, sprained muscle, or a solid blow to your shin bog you down, you can fall back on Ayurveda for pain relief.

Murivenna Oil is an Ayurvedic pain relief oil widely used as a first-aid essential. It comes in handy for quick application on bruises, swelling, cuts, burns,  inflammation, and muscle soreness to relieve pain.

Murivenna Oil Benefits

Murivenna Oil is a handy remedy for bruises and wounds from a brutal fall in the shower or playground. Let’s discuss Murivenna oil benefits‌.


Burns from a scalding beverage or a hot metal are extremely painful. If the burning sensation doesn’t stop, apply Murivenna oil to soothe your skin. The herbs in Murivenna oil will help with the pain and inflammation and allow your skin to heal.

Wounds and cuts

Did you scrape your knee or elbow? Apply Murivenna oil sparingly on the wound to allow the skin to heal and reduce pain. Kerala Ayurveda does not recommend Murivenna oil for deeper cuts and severe wounds.

Sprains and pulled muscles

Murivenna has anti-inflammatory herbs that help reduce pain and swelling in sprains, spasms and pulled muscles.

How to use

Sit in a comfortable position, on a non- slippery surface and check if the oil is warm enough by putting a drop on your inner wrist. Massage the affected area. If you have twisted muscles or sprain, avoid massaging and do a Pichu. Pichu (sponging) is a simple technique to apply and keep medicated oil over the affected part of the body. It obviates the need for bandages in a resting position. Spread a piece of cotton and dip it in the warm oil and apply over the painful area. Maintain the temperature by replacing the cotton with another cotton dipped with warm oil at regular intervals. Take a bath in warm water so that oil penetrates deep into your skin. If you have a sprain, avoid vigorous massaging over the affected area. If you have cuts or burns, you can apply a thin layer of oil using a cotton ball.

It is recommended to warm the oil for maximum absorption and tissue penetration.

Murivenna Thailam (Oil)

First Aid Box Oil- for Burns, Cuts & Sprains

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Let’s look at various Murivenna oil ingredients that make it an effective Ayurvedic remedy for common injuries.

Kanya (Aloe barbadensis)

This herb possesses anti-inflammatory properties–used in Ayurvedic formulations to treat burns and dry skin.

Sigrupatra (Moringa oleifera)

When used in topical remedies, it helps reduce pain and inflammation and allows the skin to heal faster.

Tambula (Piper betel)

Piper betel has a cooling essence and helps to soothe pain from burns, contusions, and wounds.

Keram (Coconut Oil)

Used as a base oil in this herbal formulation, coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that prevents scarring around the wound.


Need an anti-inflammatory remedy for your first aid kit at home, work, or play? Murivenna Oil is your best bet. Its herbal formula is gentle on the skin, soothes burning sensations, and facilitates healing. It is a topical remedy that can be applied directly to the affected area to reduce swelling and pain.

Key Takeaways

Athletic injuries and muscle spasms because of household accidents can take days or even weeks to heal. However, using Murivenna Oil can facilitate healing while reducing pain, swelling, and the lingering discomfort that makes your day-to-day routine difficult.

Murivenna Oil is made from various herbs, targeting issues like muscle sprain, spasm, burns, contusion, abrasion wounds, and shallow cuts.

The oil can be applied over the affected area using a cotton swab. You can fully utilize Murivenna oil benefits by slightly heating the oil before application.

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