monsoon hair care General Health/Immunity
Ultimate Guide to Ayurvedic Hair Care for Monsoon Season
AUGUST 7, 2023

Understanding Ayurvedic Hair Care in Monsoon

Raindrops tapping on windows, umbrellas popping open–it's the magical monsoon season! It's time we embrace the rhythm of nature. Monsoon, often seen as a relief after the intense summer heat, can tax our hair. We often link hair issues with the harshness of winter, but it's important to recognize that the monsoon season brings challenges. The dampness, humidity, and drop in temperature during the monsoon create a new set of issues like frizz, dullness, scalp itching, dandruff, and increased hair fall. Let us discuss monsoon hair care, how to conquer the rain-soaked tress troubles, and ways to tackle them with Ayurveda.

Ayurveda and the Monsoon

The monsoon or varsha ritu arrives during the Visarga Kaal (Southern Solstice) from mid-July to mid-September. This period witnesses a natural dip in the body's strength and metabolic activity, leading to potential imbalances in the doshas. During Varsha Ritu, the metabolic fire, 'Agni,' weakens, triggering digestion-related ailments and imbalances, especially in the Vata dosha. To combat these seasonal disturbances, Ayurveda prescribes 'Panchakarma,' a set of purifying practices to restore the body's equilibrium. During this time, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of making lifestyle and dietary choices that restore balance to the aggravated Vata.

Deciphering Monsoon Hair Care

As the gentle rhythm of raindrops envelops our surroundings, the monsoon season arrives, bringing a unique charm and a much-needed relief from the scorching heat. The Vata and Pitta doshas often lose their balance as the rains drench the earth. Vata, governing movement and dryness, can lead to a dry scalp and brittle hair. The increased heat and humidity can exacerbate the Pitta dosha, triggering scalp infections, dandruff, and hair fall. Hence, the monsoon season demands special attention and care for our precious tresses. Let us explore common monsoon hair issues and unearth some Ayurvedic remedies.

Monsoon Hair Troubles and Their Ayurvedic Solutions

  • Hair fall: The monsoon humidity and the exposure to rainwater strip our hair of its natural oils, weakening the roots. Wet hair is more vulnerable to damage, so protect it by keeping it dry as far as possible and using a wide-toothed comb for detangling.

Also read: Ayurvedic Hair Growth Tips & Remedies for Hair Fall

  • Frizz: Humid air can make your hair absorb excessive moisture, leading to frizz. Apply a nourishing hair pack with ingredients like aloe vera gel, hibiscus flowers, amla powder, or yogurt twice a week.
  • Dullness: Humidity and moisture can make your hair appear dull. Massage your scalp with warm Ayurvedic oils like Neelibringadi Keram to restore its shine.
Neelibringadi Keram (Oil)
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  • Dandruff: Rain and humidity can worsen dandruff in monsoon season. A regular scalp massage or shiro abhyanga using warm herbal oils and a hair mask of banana, honey, and lemon can offer relief.

Also read: How to Get Rid of Dandruff & Itchy Scalp - The Ayurvedic Way

  • Lack of volume: Excessive moisture can render the hair lifeless and flat. Counter this by rinsing your hair with herbal solutions from fenugreek seeds or hibiscus flowers to boost volume and impart a natural shine.

Monsoon-Ready: Your Ayurvedic Hair Care Routine

Monsoon can exacerbate hair concerns like hair fall, frizz, breakage, and dandruff. These issues can be attributed to the increased humidity and moisture that wreaks havoc on your hair. However, adopting a tailored Ayurvedic hair care routine can mitigate these problems and help you welcome the monsoon with vibrant and healthy hair.

Here are some monsoon hair care tips to follow:

  • Detangling: Prior to bathing, gently untangle your hair using a wide-toothed comb or a brush with soft bristles.
  • Shiro Abhyanga: Incorporate Ayurvedic head oil massage or Shiro Abhyanga at least twice a week using slightly warm herb-infused oil like Kesini Oil, which helps reduce hair fall.
  • Kesha Swedana: Post oiling, follow up with hair steaming, or Kesha Swedana, especially crucial during monsoon, to enhance the absorption of nourishing oils into the scalp.
  • Cleansing : Cleanse your hair and scalp using a mild shampoo with natural ingredients, which aids in removing excess moisture, oil, dirt, and sweat.
  • Conditioning: Protect your hair from the impacts of high humidity and moisture using herbal hair conditioners enriched with aloe vera or hibiscus.
  • Hair Masks: Include Ayurvedic hair masks made of herbs like amla powder, fenugreek seeds, or neem leaves at least once a week. It can help combat hair fall, nourish the scalp, and stimulate healthy growth.
  • Nourishing Diet: Incorporate balanced, nutrient-rich food that fuels your hair's vitality, such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Ayurvedic herbs that pacify Vata and Pitta dosha, like amla, brahmi, and neem, can support strong, radiant hair from within.
  • Ayurvedic supplements: Consider using Ayurvedic supplements that can detoxify the blood and nourish the scalp. Kerala Ayurveda Bhringarajasava, for example, is a herbal hair growth tonic that stimulates hair growth, detoxifies the blood, repairs damaged hair, nourishes the scalp, and promotes robust, healthy hair.
Bhringarajasava (Asava)

Helps to restore your natural hair growth

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Harnessing the Power of Ayurvedic Oils in Monsoon

As the raindrops gently grace the earth during the monsoon season, our hair yearns for extra care and attention. Like a delicate flower unfurling its petals, our tresses also crave that special nurturing to bloom and exude beauty. Ayurvedic hair oils emerge as the coveted elixir in this enchanting journey of tending to our hair amidst the rain-kissed ambiance. Now let us discuss some Ayurvedic hair oils and unveil how they bestow strength and vitality upon our precious locks.

Kesini Oil
 Kesini Oil

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  • Neelibringadi Keram - A precious treasure among hair oils, it holds the power of potent keshya herbs that give your hair strength, radiance, and impeccable health. Experience the enchantment of thicker, lustrous locks while protecting them from damage and delaying premature greying.
  • Kesini Oil - This oil combines the benefits of herbal ingredients with the soothing blend of coconut and castor oil, nurturing your hair from root to tip, promoting length, strength, and a fuller appearance.
  • Durdurapathradi Keram - This calming hair oil is your solution for itchy scalp, dandruff, and hair fall. Its healing prowess can alleviate dryness, itching, and flakiness.

The magic of these Ayurvedic oils can become your hair's guardian during the mesmerizing monsoon season. Allow them to help your locks flourish with strength, radiance, and a gentle touch of nature's secrets.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Monsoon Hair Care

  • Bhringaraj: Often known as the "King of Herbs," Bhringaraj is abundant in nutrients like iron, calcium, and magnesium. Revered for promoting hair growth and cleansing the blood, it addresses common scalp concerns like dryness, dandruff, weak roots, and hair loss. Unlock its magic by using it as a hair mask. Mix Bhringaraj churna with yogurt, coconut oil, or water to create a paste, and gently apply it to your scalp. After 30 minutes, wash it off with mild shampoo.
  • Hibiscus: This herb is rich in flavonoids and amino acids that enhance blood circulation in the scalp, nourish your hair, stimulate growth, and fortify hair follicles to prevent hair fall. Harness the power of this wonder herb by preparing a herbal rinse. Boil hibiscus petals in water, strain the mixture, and use it as a refreshing final rinse after shampooing your hair.

Also read: Hibiscus for Hair: Benefits, Uses & More!

  • Fenugreek: This spice is a boon for hair, enriching it with proteins and nicotinic acid. It can help rebuild hair follicles, promoting hair growth and strengthening the hair from the roots. Unleash its magic by creating a fenugreek paste: soak fenugreek seeds overnight, grind them into a paste, and generously apply it to your scalp and hair. Rinse with lukewarm water after 30 minutes.
  • Amla: A potent antioxidant, amla rejuvenates hair, reduces hair fall, and delays premature greying. Its antimicrobial properties can also keep scalp infections at bay. Revitalize your scalp with a scrub mask by mixing Amla powder with water. Apply the mixture to your damp scalp and massage for 5-10 minutes to exfoliate and promote new, healthy skin. Rinse with warm water and revel in the rejuvenating effects.

Embracing the Monsoon: Ayurvedic Tips for Optimal Hair Care

As we embrace the monsoon season, let's explore Ayurvedic hair care tips to address common hair concerns. These tips can arm you with the knowledge to combat common hair concerns, allowing you to revel in the monsoon magic without the worry of hair troubles.

  • Limit the use of styling products: Hair styling products like sprays, gels, and creams can add an unwelcome stickiness to your hair, attracting more dirt. Minimize their usage during the monsoon to maintain cleaner, healthier hair.
  • Frequent hair washing: With the monsoon's increased humidity, your hair is more prone to gathering dirt, oil, and potential fungal infections. Regularly washing your hair with a mild shampoo can help keep these problems at bay.
  • Herbal hair fumigation: Herbal fumigation or 'Dhoopana' is a holistic Ayurvedic practice. This process involves using beneficial herbs such as Brahmi, Bhringaraj, Japa Patra, Krishna till Nimba, Guggulu, and Tulsi. These herbs aid in dilating blood vessels, reducing inflammation, soothing itching, and combating infections.
  • Treat your scalp to a natural scrub: Every two months, consider giving your scalp a rejuvenating treat with a natural scrub. A coarse mixture of coffee powder, sugar, almond oil, and lemon juice works wonders. Massage this into your scalp for 5-10 minutes, then rinse and shampoo. Your scalp will thank you for the invigorating cleanse.
  • Choose hair-friendly fabrics: Selecting silk or satin pillowcases, hair wraps, or bonnets can help protect your hair while you sleep. These fabrics minimize friction, reducing the risk of hair breakage.
  • Regular trims: During the monsoon, trimming your hair regularly is a good idea. This practice prevents split ends and breakage, keeping your hair healthy.
  • Gentle drying: Post-wash, resist the urge to rub your hair vigorously with a towel. Instead, pat your hair dry gently. This subtle change can significantly reduce friction, leading to less hair breakage.
  • Follow a comprehensive hair care routine: For optimal hair health, both internal and external care are essential. Following a holistic hair care routine can help balance the Doshas and maintain your hair's vitality. Consider the Kerala Ayurveda hair care ritual set, meticulously crafted for both men and women, to enhance your hair health.
Healthy Hair Kit for women

As the rains continue their rhythmic dance, equip yourself with these Ayurvedic monsoon hair care routines. Let your hair shine with health and vitality, mirroring the lush landscape that monsoon unfurls. Remember, with the proper care and nourishment, your tresses can bloom beautifully in the monsoon season, embodying the rejuvenation that this time brings. Enjoy the showers and let your hair bask in the Ayurvedic care it truly deserves.

Key Takeaways

  • Monsoon season imbalances Vata and Pitta doshas, leading to common hair issues like frizz, dullness, dandruff, and hair fall. Ayurveda emphasizes lifestyle and dietary choices that restore balance to these aggravated doshas.
  • A tailored hair care routine involving Shiro Abhyanga, Kesha Swedana, cleansing, conditioning, and hair masks can mitigate monsoon-induced hair problems.
  • Consuming nutrient-rich foods and Ayurvedic supplements can fuel hair vitality from within, supporting strong and radiant hair.
  • Ayurvedic oils nourish the hair, helping maintain its health and vibrancy throughout the monsoon season.
  • Regular hair washing, limiting styling products, opting for silk or satin pillowcases, gentle drying, and regular trims can contribute significantly to maintaining healthy hair during the monsoon. Additionally, practices like herbal hair fumigation and scalp exfoliation can be beneficial.

Frequently Asked Questions

To keep your scalp healthy during the monsoon season, take essential steps. Shield your hair from rainwater. Embrace an Ayurvedic hair care routine that includes Shiro-abhyanga with warm herbal oils, hair steaming, hair masks, packs, and rinses. Nourish your scalp by consuming nutrient-rich foods and Ayurvedic supplements for healthy hair growth. Include herbal fumigation and scalp exfoliation, minimize the use of styling products, and maintain regular hair washing. These practices ensure proper scalp care and combat common hair problems in the monsoon.

Oiling hair in the rainy season is essential in the monsoon hair care routine. Shiro abhyanga provides nourishment, hydration, and protection to your hair and scalp. The monsoon increases humidity and moisture, leading to frizz, dullness, and hair damage. Oiling helps maintain the moisture balance, preventing excessive moisture absorption from the environment.

During the monsoon season, the best oil for your hair is Neelibringadi Keram. This potent Ayurvedic hair oil contains keshya herbs that strengthen and nourish your hair, protecting it from damage and premature greying. Neelibringadi Keram restores shine to dull hair caused by humidity and moisture. It addresses common monsoon hair issues such as frizz and dryness, making it an ideal choice.

Try to follow these tips to prevent monsoon dandruff. Keep your scalp clean, apply herbal hair masks, Shiro-abhyanga with warm herbal oils, and maintain a balanced diet. Incorporating these hair routines will relieve dandruff by improving scalp hygiene, nourishing the scalp, reducing dryness, and promoting overall well-being.

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