Managing Joint Health with Ayurveda Joint Health/Pain Relief
Managing Joint Health with Ayurveda

An Ayurvedic Guide to Managing Joint & Muscle Pain

The science of life, Ayurveda, holds all the secrets to various health concerns and cures for the human body. The ancient knowledge of Ayurveda is based on the foundations of harmony and balance within the human body and between the body and its surrounding environment. According to Ayurveda, our body is a harmonious amalgamation of different parts that co-exist, enabling us to participate in our day-to-day functioning. Our joints are the connections between two bones that facilitate this movement in our body. However, several factors can cause severe problems and damage to our joints, resulting in the common concern of joint pain, which can directly impact our motion. Muscle pains can occur because of overexertion of the muscles or sprains, while joint pain can be an acute or chronic condition that can worsen. However, with the proper treatment and care, we can manage these concerns and keep the pain at bay.

Joint and muscle pain usually requires a holistic approach to treatment. Apart from providing relief from pain, it is essential to manage the condition to prevent the recurrence of the pain. This blog discusses Ayurvedic medicine for joint and muscle pain and natural remedies for pain and inflammation.

Understanding Joint Pain

There could be many issues that cause joint pain. For example, the most common are arthritis, tendonitis, and osteoporosis. These occur in slightly older people, but joint issues, frozen shoulders and pains have become rampant, with even youngsters leading sedentary lifestyles owing to professional requirements. Instead of thinking about how to cure frozen shoulders quickly, you should start with preventive measures to reduce the chances of frozen shoulders or any other joint pain.

With joint pain, you don’t feel like moving. But if you don’t move, the joints become stiff, and the problems can worsen. Medicines can help, but the side effects can be a problem. There is a need for a natural way to treat joint pain, a wellness-based approach to strengthening the joints. This is what Ayurveda provides. The ancient Indian system of healing helps manage joint pain naturally.

Ayurveda has a great range of herbal supplements and oils with a proven track record in remedying joint pain. Besides the oils and supplements, Ayurveda also suggests changing other aspects of life to help the process. Besides taking suitable supplements, lifestyle changes, dietary changes, managing stress, et cetera are essential.

Causes of joint pain according to Ayurveda

Many of us may experience several kinds of joint pains, which often leads us to question what causes knee pain or what causes frozen shoulders in adults. Shoulder pain, ankle pain, and knee pain are all caused due to pain in the joints that facilitate movement in these body parts. Joint pain is a commonly found complaint in adults. Our hectic schedules and restless lives make us prone to several illnesses and bodily ailments. If you work long hours at a desk job, perform strenuous physical activities, or are in the later stages of life, you’ll likely be prone to joint pain. Joint redness, tenderness in the joints, limping, stiffness, weakness, or a visible loss of range of motion can be common symptoms and signs of joint pain. Also, joint swelling or muscle cramps because of an injury or a sprain can become plausible reasons for joint pain.

Joint pain is related to the Vata Dosha in Ayurveda. Vyana Vata, which regulates circulation, can be imbalanced. This results in a lack of nourishment for the bone tissues. This ultimately results in the degeneration of the bone tissues. Shleshaka Kapha governs the lubrication of joints and dries up because of weakened circulation. This affects the lubrication of joints, resulting in reduced flexibility.

Increased toxins, or Ama can also cause joint pain. Cold and humid weather can aggravate this condition, resulting in Amavisha. All these three toxins severely affect the joints, causing morphological changes in the bone structure. This can lead to chronic problems.

Types of joint pain and their symptoms

Types of joint pain and their symptoms

Pain can affect any joint in the human body. Joint pain can crop up because of frozen shoulders or adhesive capsulitis. Different joint pains can crop up for various reasons:

  • Elbow joint pains occur due to tennis or golf elbow concerns.
  • Wrist pains can crop up because of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Pain in the foot joints can be due to Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and calcaneal bursitis.
  • Knee joint pain is commonly caused by osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Primarily, joint pain in the legs occurs due to wear and tear overuse and injuries in joints, bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, or other soft tissues.

The various causes of joint pain include:

  • Degeneration or wearing out of the cartilage due to age, lack of exercise, and vitamin deficiencies.
  • Inflammation in the tissues may be autoimmune or for any other reason.
  • Damages in the joint because of injury or exertion.
  • Joint pain causes swelling in the joints, stiffness, severe pain, difficulty in moving or mobility, and limited range of movement. Sometimes, it may be accompanied by a fever.

Joint pain can manifest in several ways, and the symptoms can indicate quite a lot of information on the underlying cause:


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. The wearing away of the cartilage over a significant period causes osteoarthritis. The cartilage is a coating on the ends of the bones where they form a joint. It is a protective layer between the bones that facilitates smooth movement. Osteoartritis treatment ayurveda prescribes includes panchakarma and lifestyle changes.

  • It develops slowly, usually during middle age.
  • Women and older people are more prone to this concern.
  • Joint pain worsens during movement.
  • Typically affects weight-bearing joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid is another chronic type of arthritis that causes joint pain and swelling. It is an autoimmune disorder wherein the body's immune system starts attacking the lining of the joints, causing swelling and inflammation.

  • Joint pain worsens after a period of inactivity.
  • Affects the smaller joints.
  • Swelling and warmth around the joints.


Gout is another kind of arthritis that is caused due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals. It causes flare-ups that last up to one to two weeks, leading to pain and inflammation.

  • Intense pain along with a burning sensation.
  • Swelling, tenderness and redness of the affected joint, especially the big toe.
  • Limited range of movement.

Ayurvedic Principles for Managing Joint Pain

Principles for Managing Joint Pain

According to Ayurveda, joint pain may occur because of an unsuitable shift in the Vata levels or because of the accumulation of toxins or Ama. Since Vata is associated with movement, it can travel to the joints and weaken the tissues. As a result, the tissues can become undernourished, eventually depleting the lubricants that protect the joints. This would lead to stiffness and pain during joint movement.

Another reason for joint pain is the build-up of toxins. Ayurveda believes that digestion is the key to good health. When digestion is affected for whatever reason, it weakens the digestive fire or Agni. This allows toxin levels to increase. The toxins then accumulate in the joints, causing stiffness and inflammation. Cold weather and humidity aggravate this condition, causing an increase in pain.

Ayurveda recommends using a multi-pronged approach to help maintain joint and muscle health. The different ways to manage pain include:

  • Using an Ayurvedic oil for leg pain and joint pain that is applied externally.
  • People dealing with leg pain due to Vata can consider using herbal supplements to maintain Vata balance and toxin levels.
  • In severe cases, therapies such as Panchakarma can help reduce toxins in the body. Various Panchakarma therapies such as Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Raktamokshana, and Nasyam focus on specific body parts and help cleanse the toxins.
  • Diet plays a crucial role in the Ayurvedic perspective. The food you eat helps pacify the Vata Dosha and should include sour, salty, and sweet foods. It’s advisable to avoid a highly acidic diet. Also, increasing the intake of calcium-rich foods can significantly improve bone health.
  • Exercise is vital to ensure the healthy mobility of the joints. Yoga can help in maintaining healthy joint health.

Lifestyle Changes for Joint Pain Relief

You can make some lifestyle changes to reduce the intensity of joint pain.

  • Maintain a healthy weight- excess weight puts pressure on joints and fastens joint degeneration. Weight-bearing joints like knees, spine and hips are especially vulnerable. Avoid sugars, and processed foods and consume healthy foods.
  • Practice joint-friendly exercises- Regular exercise not only helps manage your weight, but it also helps you maintain your joint flexibility and strength. Walking, cycling, yoga and pranayama tailored to your health condition can help achieve better joint flexibility.
  • Protect your joints- Avoid activities that can put your joint health at risk. Avoid repetitive motions that strain your joint, and take regular breaks to rest and stretch at your work desk. Maintain proper posture and use ergonomic chairs.
  • Get proper rest- Good sleep is essential as it helps the body heal and improve your mood. It also helps keep away your stress.
  • Eat healthy foods- Consume foods rich in omega-3, like nuts and seeds, as these help reduce inflammation.

Yogasanas for Joint Pain

Yoga is one holistic form of exercise that ensures healthy mobility of our joints and can help keep us energised throughout the day. Specific Yoga Asanas help manage muscle pain, joint pain, spasms, and sprains in different body parts.

This section discusses a few such helpful Yoga poses.

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose)

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

The position starts with a forearm plank. Once in the prank position, interlock your fingers and walk your feet toward your hands. Walk only until you are comfortable (don’t stretch too much). Try to rest your heels on the ground, and rest and breathe in this position. Also, keep your elbows close, and after a week’s practice, try increasing the stretch with every breath.

Ardha Shalabhasana (Half Locust)

Ardha Shalabhasana

To get ready for this pose, lie down on your stomach with your hands by your sides. Slowly take a long, deep breath in and slowly breathe out. While taking the second breath, lift your right leg 5-6 inches in the air and rest in this position while taking long and deep breaths. Do this for five to six breaths with both legs.

If lifting your legs without support seems challenging, you can support the lifted leg with your other leg, as shown in the picture above.

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)


To get into this pose, kneel and then sit on your feet to take the weight off of your knees. This Asana can be immensely helpful for strengthening muscles and relaxing joints.

Balasana (Child Pose)


Get into Vajrasana, and take a long, deep breath in, and as you breathe out, slowly bow down, trying to touch the ground with your head and stretching your hands out in the front. For a better understanding, you can look at the picture above.

After five to six days of regular practice, you can try intensifying the stretch with each breath.

Another version of Balasana is Nikunjasana, which starts from the table-top position instead of Vajrasana. One can practice both or go as per their comfort.

Ayurvedic Herbs & Home Remedies for Joint Pain

Whether chronic or mild, joint pain is a health concern faced by millions of people across the globe. It may start as a mild pain easily sidelined and ignored, but it can quickly become a chronic disorder. Therefore, we must take the proper care and measures to ensure our joints' health and smooth functioning. Incorporating natural home remedies and practices into our daily lifestyles is one of the best ways to care for our joints. Ayurveda for joint pain offers a plethora of natural remedies and herbal blends.

Key Ayurvedic herbs for joint health

1. Turmeric(Curcuma Longa)- Turmeric or Haldi is a bright yellow spice often used in Ayurvedic remedies. Curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties that can significantly reduce joint pain. Turmeric is widely used in cooking in a lot of South Asian countries. Its anti-inflammatory properties are significantly helpful for people with rheumatoid arthritis, in which the body’s immune system starts attacking itself, leading to inflammation and pain in the joints. It also improves joint flexibility and support and thus is highly effective for knee pain. Knee pain is one of the most common joint pains people suffer as it is a weight-bearing joint in our body. Turmeric is one of the knee pain home remedies Indian households frequently use. It can also be consumed as a spice in the form of turmeric powder or as a supplement in the form of capsules or joint care ayurvedic tablets.

2. Ginger(Zingiber officinale)- Ginger, another commonly found and used spice, can significantly improve joint pain. Like turmeric, ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce joint pain and improve joint health simultaneously. Regular consumption of these spices can help reduce the humiliation of ama in the joints, thereby restoring the optimal levels of the Vata Dosha. Ginger is a popular and natural herbal remedy that can be consumed as a spice, natural extract, herbal tea or capsules. It is a widely available spice that tackles the inflammatory response initiated by joint pain and significantly reduces aches.

3. Dashmula - Dashmula, or ‘ten roots’, is an herbal mixture of ten trees and shrub roots such as Patala, Gambhaari, Brihati, Shalparni, Shyonaak, Gokharu, Kantkaari, Agnimanth, Bilva, and Prishniparni. This herbal remedy can combat symptoms of arthritis, such as swelling and pain. It has an analgesic, antioxidant, and painkiller effect on arthritis symptoms such as swelling and joint pain. Its anti-inflammatory properties can combat inflammation in joints, a common ill-effect of rheumatoid arthritis. It also acts as an antioxidant, analgesic, and sedative to help improve digestion, and nerve-related health concerns and reduce muscle spasms. Dashamula can be used as an Ayurvedic massage oil or as a powder.

Home remedies for joint pain relief

  • Apply hot and cold compress to the affected joint to reduce inflammation.
  • Soak your joints in a warm Epsom salt bath for immediate relief.
  • Drinking ginger tea can help relieve joint pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Massage your joints with joint-soothing herbal oils. Do not apply too much pressure. Nilgiri or Eucalyptus, is a herbal oil that relieves joint and muscle pain. The oil from the Nilgiri plant helps reduce inflammation, thus helping during pain. Applying oil to the affected area(s) daily may help reduce inflammation and joint pain.

Ayurvedic medicine for joint and muscle pain

ayurveda massage for joint and muscle pain

Ayurvedic panchakarma therapies can be very helpful in managing joint and muscle pain. It can help reduce pain and inflammation while also helping regain the balance of Vata dosha. Keraleeya therapies like podikizhi, elakizhi can help reduce musculoskeletal pain, while a full panchakarma therapy can slow down the progress of joint ailments. Because Panchakarma is a personalised therapy regime, it should be taken under the guidance of an expert physician, who can determine the right course of treatment for you. A thorough aftercare ensures you can enjoy long-standing benefits from these therapies.

Ayurvedic Products for Joint and Muscle Pain Management

Ayurveda offers many solutions and products to help manage joint pain and relieve symptoms. Some popular products that help maintain joint and muscle health are:

Balaswagandhadi Thailam

Balaswagandhadi Thailam
Balaswagandhadi thailam

Relieves Post Illness Muscle Weakness

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Rich with Ashwagandha, Laksha, sesame oil, and various other herbs, Balaswagandhadi thailam can help relieve muscle soreness and fatigue, post-illness.It is one of the best ayurvedic oils for joint pain after a spell of illness.

For best results, take the recommended amount of oil in a bowl, sit on a flat, nonslippery surface, and gently apply over the affected area(s) in slow, long, circular motions. Let your body absorb the oil for around 30 minutes, and then wash off with warm water and pat dry. Repeat this once each day.

Yogaraja Guggulu

Yogaraja Guggulu Tablets
Yogaraja Guggulu Tablets

Relieves joint stiffness and joint pain

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Yogaraja Guggulu is known for its anti-inflammatory and joint pain relief properties inherited from its wondrous ingredients such as Guggulu, Triphala, Pippali, Cavya, and over ten other ingredients. It is a preferred solution in Ayurveda for joint pain that nourishes the cartilage: the protective cushion surrounding bones in the joints. It helps to pacify Vata dosha and relieve joint pain and stiffness.

It’s advisable to consult an Ayurvedic physician for the dosage of Yogaraja guggulu.

Murivenna Oil

Murivenna Oil
Murivenna Oil

First Aid Box Oil- for Burns, Cuts & Sprains

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This oil is rich in anti-inflammatory herbs that can help reduce pain and swelling in spasms, sprains, pulled muscles, cuts, and burns. As a result, Murivenna oil can act as an effective Ayurvedic oil for muscle pain, and Ayurvedic oil for joint pain. It helps to reduce pain, swelling, and redness in the joints, improves flexibility and increases the range of motion of affected joints.

For joint and muscle pains, take the recommended quantity of oil in a bowl, and place this bowl in warm water for around a minute. The oil has to be warmed for maximum benefit. Now, sit on a non-slippery surface and apply the oil on the affected area(s) in slow circular motions. Let your body absorb the oil for around 30 minutes, and then you can take a bath or wash with warm water and pat dry. Repeat this once each day.

Myaxyl oil

Myaxyl Oil
Myaxyl Oil

Quick Pain Relief Oil for Knee Pain, Spasm & Sprains

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It is an ayurvedic medicine for knee pain infused with powerful herbs like Nandivriksha and Rasna. .Its quick-absorbing formula allows easy penetration and instant relief to the affected areas, improving flexibility, range of motion, and blood circulation while reducing swelling, pain, and muscle spasms.

The Ayurvedic muscle relaxant products mentioned above include some of the most effective oils for joint and muscle stiffness.

Common Preventions for Joint Care

There is a reason why the phrase ‘Prevention is better than cure’ is vital in healthcare. The all-encompassing knowledge of Ayurveda has been incorporating this vision since ancient times. Nidana Parivarjana (avoidance of causative factors) is an Ayurvedic term viewed as the initial footmark for any disease. Therefore, incorporating preventive measures into our daily routine or dinacharya is a foolproof method of ensuring holistic health and well-being.

Ayurveda offers many solutions and lifestyle practices to prevent joint pain. Adopting healthy habits such as regular exercise, avoiding tobacco products, eating a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy body weight can help avoid joint pain and related concerns. Along with this, one should be careful while performing strenuous physical activities such as working out and lifting heavy objects. They add further pressure on weight-bearing joints, which can cause injuries or straining. Besides these everyday activities, one should incorporate Ayurvedic herbal remedies and ingredients in their diets or separately for daily consumption of tablets, capsules, herbal teas, or powders. Finally, one should regularly perform abhyanga massages with ayurvedic oils to ensure joint flexibility, stability, and smooth movement of joints.

Key Takeaways

Joint pain and muscle pain are two major concerns that can make day-to-day life challenging for anyone. Whether you wish to go to the gym or your workplace, joint pain, spasm, sprain, or muscle pull can always slow you down. Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to managing joint pain and muscle pain. In this blog, we discussed Ayurvedic medicine for joint and muscle pain, along with various muscle pain treatment options. Let’s look at what we learned:

  • Tennis or golf elbows, carpal tunnel syndrome, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, arthritis, and various other reasons can cause joint pain.
  • According to Ayurveda, joint pain usually crops up because of an imbalance in the Vata Dosha. Ayurveda takes a long-term approach to treating and managing joint and muscle pain.
  • Ayurvedic products, such as Murivenna oil, Yogaraj Guggulu, and Balaswagandhadi thailam, can help manage joint and muscle pain.
  • Various Ayurvedic herbs are known for their health benefits in managing and improving joint and muscle pain conditions.
  • Regular Yoga can help deal with muscle and joint pain and help manage the symptoms. Here’s a list of Yoga poses suitable for muscle and joint pain.


Our hectic, on-the-go lifestyles have somehow left our health and well-being in the backdrop. Thus, with each passing day, it becomes more important that we focus on our health and take some time out to rejuvenate our body, mind, and soul. This is precisely where Ayurveda steps in. This ancient science of life holds the key to our holistic development in these modern times.

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