Ayurveda for eczema General Health/Immunity
Ayurveda for Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment!
DECEMBER 16, 2022

Treat Symptoms of Eczema with Ayurveda

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a skin disorder that causes dermal tissue inflammation, itching, skin peeling/flaking, redness, and a mild burning sensation.

The onset of eczema is ‌characterized by dry skin and itching. As the condition progresses, it flares up into visible inflammation on the skin that hurts to touch and even causes constant itching. Scratching the itch often leads to a double whammy of inflammation and worsens the condition.

While the rash may appear without prior indications, researchers have found that eczema is ‌a genetic condition triggered or aggravated by allergens, pollution, dust, soaps, and other environmental factors.

Knowing your triggers is the stepping stone to curbing the symptoms of eczema and preventing recurrence.

If your symptoms are consistent with that of eczema, it is essential to know its type so that you can seek treatment and manage your symptoms before they worsen.

Types of Eczema

Depending on the symptoms and how long they persist, eczema can be classified into different types. Let's briefly understand various types of eczema.

Atopic Eczema

Know About Atopic Eczema

Atopic Eczema is common among children under the age of 10, but there's a possibility that it can affect men and women of all ages. It starts with your skin feeling itchy and dry, gradually developing into rashes and small, raised bumps. The most common areas where atopic eczema occurs are behind the knees and on the chest. Because of excessive scratching, the affected skin may become sensitive and sore to the touch.

Discoid eczema

 Types of Eczema: Discoid Eczema

Discoid eczema or discoid dermatitis is characterized by chronic inflammation, itching, and crusty patches on the skin that sometimes ooze pus. The infection may either spread throughout the body or remain confined in a particular area as small, circular patches, which may be a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters in diameter.

Although discoid eczema is treatable and non-contagious, it may resurface sporadically, especially on the hands, lower legs, and forearms. Discoid eczema generally affects men and women in their golden years or as early as in their 50s.

Xerotic Eczema

Xerotic Eczema Type

Also known as winter itch, xerotic eczema is characterized by excessive dryness in the skin brought on by cold weather. Because of the lack of proper moisturization, the skin may appear patchy and rough, with scaling along the arms and legs. In most cases, the symptoms can be improved by applying a moisturizer; however, some extreme cases may require medical intervention and precautionary measures.

Besides cold weather, xerotic eczema can also be caused by zinc deficiency, diuretic medicines, or when the body's water content drops below 20%. If your symptoms do not improve despite looking after your skin, you should consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment advice.

Contact Dermatitis

Type Of Eczema : Contact Dermatitis

Did you ever develop a rash under your wristwatch that you wear every day? That's contact dermatitis in a nutshell. Contact eczema/dermatitis occurs when an allergen directly interacts with your skin or when sweat stays on your skin for a long time.

People who wear wristwatches, jewelry pieces, fragrances, or cosmetics may develop a rash, resulting in itching, inflammation, and burning sensations.

In most cases, contact dermatitis heals on its own if you avoid contact with the substance that caused it. However, you can take a few measures to speed up healing.

As part of general skincare, clean the rash using antibacterial soap and avoid moisture or sweating in the affected area.

Venous Eczema

Symptoms of Venous Eczema

The symptoms of venous eczema are like any other type of eczema, except that it primarily affects older people. The skin becomes dry and flaky, with redness and visible veins. It is also called gravitational eczema because it saturates in lower legs as if pulled down by gravity.

Causes & Symptoms

Itchiness, dry skin, and rashes are the initial symptoms of eczema. These symptoms indicate you came into contact with a trigger in your environment that aggravated your symptoms. Your chance of experiencing an eczema flare-up in the future can be reduced by identifying environmental factors and avoiding them as and when possible.

The symptoms of eczema vary from person to person and can appear on different body parts, including hands, legs, lips, etc. It is not uncommon to mistake eczema symptoms for a common rash caused by a temporary allergic reaction or insect bite.

To help you gain clarity, ‌here are some of the most common symptoms of eczema outlined by medical practitioners:

  • Cracked, dry skin
  • Itchiness (pruritus) (pruritus)
  • A rash on swollen skin of a different color depending on the skin tone
  • Small, raised pimples on dark-skinned individuals
  • Extra-thick skin
  • The skin around the eyes becomes darker
  • Raw and itchy skin caused by scratching

Causes of Eczema

There are several eczema causes:

  • Surroundings: Many things in your environment can irritate your skin. Some of them are smoking, inhaling pollutants, using harsh soaps, wearing wool, and certain skin care products that aren’t meant for your skin type. Your skin may become dry with low humidity (dry air). Further, sweating can be brought on by heat and excessive moisture, which can worsen itching.
  • Your genes: If you have a family history of eczema or dermatitis, you are more likely to develop the condition. You are at a higher risk if you have a history of allergies, fever, or asthma. Pollen, pet hair, and foods are examples of common allergens. Another possibility is that genetic mutation prevents your skin's barrier function from functioning correctly.
  • Emotional catalysts: Your skin's health could be affected by your emotional well-being, leading to an aggravation of eczema symptoms. You may experience eczema flare-ups more frequently if you have high levels of stress, anxiety, or depression.
  • Immune system: Your immune system reacts to even minute allergens or irritants (triggers) in your environment if you have eczema. It interprets minor irritants as harmful foreign invaders like bacteria or viruses when you come into contact with a trigger. The triggers consequently cause your body's defense mechanisms to go into overdrive. Inflammation is the immune system's defense mechanism, and as a result, eczema symptoms show on your skin.

It's uncertain if food allergies and eczema are related. One of the reasons you must avoid specific food items if you have a food allergy is that it could aggravate your eczema symptoms.

Typical allergic reactions include

  • Peanuts
  • Dairy
  • Eggs

Pay close attention to your diet. You may be allergic to food if your eczema flares up after eating it. No food items can cause or aggravate eczema unless you have a food allergy.

Body Parts Affected

Effects of Eczema On Body Parts

Eczema is caused when any object makes contact with the skin and causes an inflammatory response. Thus, the area of the redness is a significant indicator of what triggered the allergy. For instance, eczema on your earlobes is more likely to occur because of a piece of jewelry than any other trigger. Some connections, though, are less obvious: because we prefer to touch our necks, you can get a reaction on your neck from a product that came into contact with your hands. Even a product that has been transferred onto your skin by another person (like a mother holding her newborn), a piece of clothing, or even the air might cause an allergic reaction!

According to the area on the body, the following are the most typical causes of contact eczema:

Scalp Eczema: Hair color, perms, shampoos, and other hair care products can cause scalp eczema.

Eczema on face: Cosmetics (preservatives, scents, etc.), personal care items, topical medications, sunscreens, and airborne allergens can all cause eczema on the face

Eczema on lips: Cosmetics, drugs, toothpaste, and musical instruments can cause eczema on the lips.

Hand Eczema: This is the most troublesome area since we touch many things daily at work, at home, and during our daily activities.

Eczema on legs: Clothing, bandages, and topical medications

Eczema on the neck: Jewelry, cosmetics, and hair care items

Eczema on foot: Footwear dyes, nail polish, adhesives, and tanning agents

Herbs/Herbal Remedies

The dry, itchy skin caused by eczema can be treated with natural treatments and home remedies. Natural eczema remedies may not cure the condition completely, but they can help control the symptoms and stop flare-ups.

Here are some herbal treatments and herbs for eczema:

Aloe vera gel

Effect of Using Aloe vera gel for Eczema

Aloe vera gel is produced from the leaves of the aloe plant. Aloe vera gel has been used for generations to cure various illnesses. One typical benefit is that it instantly helps you find some relief from eczema. Skin infections, which are more likely to arise in people with dry, cracked skin, can be avoided owing to aloe vera's antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. The skin-soothing and wound-healing qualities of aloe may aid in the healing process.

Colloidal Oatmeal

Using Colloidal Oatmeal For Eczema

Avena sativa, or colloidal oatmeal, is prepared with oats that have been pulverized and boiled to release their healing powers.

Colloidal oatmeal is simple to use. Just add some powder to a warm bath and soak. Select a colloidal oatmeal product in which oats are the only ingredient, and avoid those that contain additives or scents. Pure colloidal oatmeal is available in health food stores and online.

People of all ages can safely consume colloidal oatmeal. However, those who have oat allergies should steer clear of it. People with gluten allergies should also use caution because manufacturers frequently process oats with wheat.

Ayurvedic Medicines


According to Ayurveda, each person is believed to have three fundamental energies, or doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each dosha is in charge of particular body processes. According to Ayurvedic medicine, your doshas must be balanced to sustain good health.

It is believed that eczema develops when your doshas are out of balance. Ayurveda's goal is to balance them through natural remedies and lifestyle changes. It aims to cleanse the body, which is said to eliminate the toxins that lead to eczema symptoms.

The most popular Ayurvedic treatment for eczema is panchakarma therapy. This technique can also treat other skin diseases, including psoriasis and acne.

Also Read : https://www.keralaayurveda.biz/blog/panchakarma-in-ayurveda

To get Panchakarma therapy, see an Ayurvedic doctor. It might involve treatments and techniques like:

  • Receiving a whole-body oil massage for five to seven days
  • Having medicated ghee
  • Inducing sweating and vomiting

These therapies treat eczema by cleansing the body of impurities and boosting the immune system.

Ayurveda for eczema also advises the consumption of certain Ayurvedic herbs for eczema. You can take them as supplements, make tea, or add them to your meals.

Work with your Ayurvedic practitioner to determine the proper dosage if you take supplements.

Some herbs and medications may interact poorly, so it's crucial to adhere to your practitioner's recommendations.

Check for interactions with prescription drugs, dietary supplements, or other herbal remedies.

The symptoms of eczema can be treated with herbs like cardamom, turmeric, neem, and Indian sarsaparilla. Using Triphala for eczema is also an effective Ayurvedic cure for eczema.

You can also take certain Ayurvedic herbs that help the neurological system because stress might also cause eczema flare-ups. These herbs include Brahmi, winter cherry, and kava kava.

Ayurvedic medicine for Eczema

Eladi Keram

Eladi Keram

Eladi Keram is an Ayurvedic remedy for eczema used to treat skin conditions like pigmentation and blemishes. Through topical use, its various ingredients support optimum skin health. Rashes, itching, and skin allergies can also be treated with Eladi Keram. It also works as an antibacterial and Ayurvedic blemish treatment remedy to address skin conditions brought on by toxins buildup. Skin disorders caused by vitiated Vata and Kapha Doshas can be treated with Eladi Keram.

Winsoria Oil

Winsoria Oil For Psoriasis & Eczema

Healing Oil for Psoriasis, Eczema & Skin Infections

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Winsoria Oil from Kerala Ayurveda is an excellent Ayurvedic oil for eczema that can provide soothing relief from itchy and flaky skin. Winsoria Oil, which may also be used as a psoriasis Ayurvedic oil, is one the most popular Ayurvedic oils for skin itching to provide immediate and long-lasting relief.

Manjishtadi Kwath

Manjishtadi Kwath
Manjishtadi Kwath

Purifies Blood & Improves Skin Health

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Manjishtadi kwath is beneficial for treating skin concerns as well as can help purify the blood. The kwath's anti-inflammatory capabilities and ability to reduce discomfort can help with symptoms, plus maintain natural complexion and manages uneven skin tone. It is a superb detoxifier made with organic herbs and aids in systemic blood filtration. It is also a viable Ayurvedic treatment option for conditions like acne and eczema.


Khadirarishta (Arishtam)

Herbal Blood Purifier for Acne Relief

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Khadirarishta, a well-known medicine commonly used to treat skin conditions, is an excellent blood purifier.

How Long Does Eczema Last?

Eczema typically manifests as periodic flare-ups throughout a person's lifetime. In most cases, rashes might take several weeks to go away after the treatment. If you don't reduce your exposure to triggers, there's a chance that future flare-ups will continue to happen as these rashes result from abnormal immune reactions.

Even though eczema can occasionally appear in adults, kids are equally vulnerable. However, there's a good probability that childhood eczema will become better with time.

Key Takeaways

Eczema is a chronic skin ailment that flares up periodically and causes itchy, dry skin and red spots, patches, or bumps in the affected areas.

  • It is broadly classified into five types: Atopic Eczema, Discoid eczema, Xerotic Eczema, Contact Dermatitis, and Venous Eczema.
  • The most common symptoms of eczema are dry and itchy skin, rashes, and pigmentation. The environment, genes, and the immune system mainly cause these.
  • Eczema can affect various body parts like eyelids, scalp, hands, legs, and nose.
  • Various Ayurvedic medicines are available at Kerala Ayurveda, like Winsoria oil and Manjisthadi Kwath, which can provide instant relief from these symptoms.
  • You may also use home remedies, such as bleach bath, aloe vera gel, colloidal oatmeal, etc. to manage your symptoms

Frequently Asked Questions

Eczema is a chronic condition with a high chance of recurrence. This means that it repeatedly happens throughout the lifetime and is often quite challenging to eliminate. However, you will experience much relief if you use Ayurvedic eczema tips and natural remedies. Eczema ayurvedic treatment can help lessen symptoms and flare-ups. You can prevent future irritations by incorporating some Ayurvedic medicines into your routine and making positive lifestyle changes.

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