Introduction to Nerve Problem General Health/Immunity
Comprehensive Guide on Nerve Problems and Ayurveda
SEPTEMBER 20, 2022

Nerve Problems and Ayurveda: Introduction and Guide!

Understanding Nerve Problems

While a nerve problem may start with a mild sensation in your hands or feet, in the longer run, it can give rise to severe health concerns.

However, as they do not always give serious signs of damage, people may often overlook nerve problems in the beginning. Through this blog, we’ll try to spread awareness regarding nerve pain, discuss nerve pain treatment at home, and discuss how to improve nerve health.

If you or your loved ones are dealing with a nerve health concern, this blog could be helpful. So, buckle up and read on.

How do Nerve Problems Occur?

Nerve problems usually crop up due to nerve damage. And the causes of nerve damage?

Well, nerve damage can happen for a variety of reasons. Anything can lead to nerve problems, from accidental injuries to sports injuries, abnormal stretches, compressions, crushes, and nerve cuts.

Other health conditions, such as diabetes, Guillain-Barre syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, genetic causes, metabolism concerns, infections, and toxins, can also lead to nerve problems.

Types of Nerve Problems

Several neuropathy types can affect nerve health. Damage to one nerve is called mononeuropathy. Damage to two or more nerves is called multi-mononeuropathy. And when the damage is on many nerves, it’s known as polyneuropathy.

Moving further, individuals may usually have to deal with the following nerve problems.

Peripheral Neuropathy

This type of nerve damage affects the peripheral nervous system. This system transmits signals between the CNS (central nervous system) and the rest of the body.

This type of neuropathy can affect the feet, legs, arms, and hands.

Autonomic Neuropathy

This neuropathy type affects the nerves that manage internal organs and help regulate vital functions such as digestion, breathing, etc. Autonomic neuropathy can lead to severe health concerns that affect heart health, disturb blood pressure and adversely affect the digestive system.

Focal Neuropathy

This is a condition when the damage takes place on a single nerve in any of the following body locations:

  • Head
  • Hand
  • Torso
  • Leg

One type of focal neuropathy is Bell’s palsy. Under this condition, the individual may start feeling weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. Focal nerve damage can also result in double vision and unexpected weakness and/or pain in the front thigh and other body parts.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetes is a health condition that can spike your blood sugar level. As time passes, diabetes may damage the blood vessels, hindering the optimum flow of nutrients and oxygen into the nerves. This can lead to a lack of oxygen and nutrition, making it difficult for the nerves to function correctly.

Diabetic nerve problems can lead to various types of neuropathies. However,50% of the time, its peripheral neuropathy.

Other Types of Nerve Problems

Apart from those mentioned above, here’s a list of other nerve problems:

  • Common Mononeuropathy
  • Phantom Limb Syndrome
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Postherpetic Neuralgia
  • Thoracic or Lumbar Radiculopathy

If you are dealing with nerve problems, it’d be advisable to consult a professional who can diagnose your concern and offer suitable treatment.

Symptoms of Nerve Weakness and Nerve Problems

Symptoms of Nerve Weakness and Nerve Problems

Before consulting a professional, people often notice nerve problem symptoms that show nerve weakness or damage. The following symptoms of nerve weakness may help you identify your nerve problem and get it diagnosed and treated on priority.

  • Severe shooting pain, which may also feel like throbbing and/or burning
  • Numbness
  • Tingling sensations, or a feeling like being pinched with “pins and needles.”
  • Inability to use the senses - such as having difficulty sensing temperatures
  • Red itchiness or skin that appears mottled

Apart from these, nerve pain can also make you over-sensitive to touch. In such cases, people may feel the pain even with the slightest touch on specific body parts.

Also, nerve pain can lead to the following day-to-day challenges:

  • Problems falling asleep
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of ability to do daily chores

Ayurveda's Perspective on Nerve Health

According to Ayurveda, nerve problems primarily relate to the levels of the three doshas. The three doshas in the human body are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Vata dosha handles the proper function of our nervous system and movement. Therefore, when the Vata is away from its optimum levels, it may lead to nerve problems, such as anxiety, depression, and stress.

This can also happen due to a lack of nutrition and excessive consumption of junk. External environmental factors can also cause a Vata shift.


An increased toxin buildup can happen because of excess Vata. Therefore, it's crucial to drain the toxin buildup to keep your nerves healthy, and Vata should be optimised.

This is the holistic approach that Ayurveda takes to improve nerve health.

The herbal tonics in Ayurveda can work on tissue levels, helping ensure the wellness of the nervous system.

Natural Remedies to Strengthen Nerves

Ayurveda suggests several natural remedies for nerve pain. There are several herbs for nerve pain that can help you find relief. Other Ayurvedic medicines for nerve damage can also help.

Mahamasha Thailam

Mahamasha Thailam is an Ayurvedic remedy that can help ease numbness. The combination of neuroprotective herbs penetrates deep and can help reduce numbness, and improve sensation.

Also, Mahamasha Thailam is enriched with calming, Vata optimising herbs such as Dasamoola, and Atmagupta.


Balarishtam is an Ayurvedic oil known for improving sensation by balancing Vata. It is composed of the following ingredients:

  • Bala
  • Ashwagandha
  • Guda
  • Dhataki
  • Ksira Vidari
  • Eranda
  • Rasna
  • Ela Prasarana
  • Lavanga
  • Usira
  • Swadamstra

These Ayurvedic ingredients give Balarishta its sensory and bone strengthening properties.

Regarding dosage, adults should take 15-25 ml, and children should take 5-15 ml daily.

Balarishta (Arishtam)

Strengthens Nerves and Bones

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Daily yoga practice can also help keep your nerves healthy. Yoga encourages us to stretch our bodies and increase our flexibility. As a result, the blood can flow evenly across all our body parts.

Here’s a list of yoga asanas most helpful for improving nerve health.

  • Viparita Karani
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
  • Baddha Konasana
  • Balasana


Nerve health is utterly crucial for overall health. From paralysis to weakness, surprising pains, and several other health concerns, nerve damage and nerve problems can make life challenging.

Fortunately, there is Ayurveda for nerve damage, and in this blog, we discussed Ayurvedic tips on how to cure nerve damage. Although we tried to cover everything, please‌ contact us if you have questions.

Moving further, we hope you found this helpful.

Key Takeaways

When unattended for long, nerve-related problems can give rise to various other health concerns in the body. Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to managing nerve problems. This blog discussed various nerve-related concerns and how Ayurvedic and other natural methods can help manage them.

For easier comprehension, let’s take a quick look at what all we learned here:

  • Nerve problems can occur due to nerve damage.
  • Nerve problems are of the following types: Peripheral Neuropathy, Autonomic Neuropathy, Focal Neuropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Common Mononeuropathy, Phantom Limb Syndrome, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Postherpetic Neuralgia, Thoracic or Lumbar Radiculopathy
  • Severe shooting pain, electric shock-like sensations, numbness, and various other symptoms can show nerve problems.
  • Ayurveda discusses nerve concerns in terms of Dosha levels.
  • Nerve problems can occur due to nerve damage and various other reasons.
  • Mahamasha Thailam and Balarishta are some natural Ayurvedic products that can help manage nerve problems.
  • Yoga asanas such as Viparita Karani, Paschimottanasana, Setu Bandha Asana, Sarvangasana Baddha, and Konasana Balasana can help manage nerve pain and help overcome a nerve concern.

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